EMF Essential Oil Blend
This is a particularly important essential oil blend, as it helps with the energetic flow of Chi within the body… hence the name EMF Essential Oil Blend aka, the Everything Must Flow Essential Oil Blend.
This EMF Essential Oil Blend has been developed to protect our natural energies within a world that is generating so many synthetic, and disruptive energies.
Our bodies are naturally negatively charged, but the modern world is positively charged. This is why it has never been so important to head to the coast to seek out negative ions.
Certain essential oil diffusers also help with negative ionisation, which is one of the additional benefits of diffusing essential oils.
This Everything Must Flow Essential Oil Blend has been developed as an aromatherapy oil blend that is excellent for diffusing.
Nevertheless, the Everything Must Flow Essential Oil Blend can also be added to a suitable carrier oil at a 1% – 2% dilution, and used as a massage oil. It can also be diluted, at a 5% dilution, and put in a roller ball bottle, for application on our pulse points and Vagal points.
*Our pulse points, on our wrists, and Vagal points, on our neck, help to quickly distribute aromatherapy oil blends around the body.
Learn more about your Vagus nerve, and why your Vagal points are so important.
Learn more about diluting essential oils.
And, learn more about using essential oils.
Everything Must Flow Essential Oil Blend
This Everything Must Flow Essential Oil Blend harnesses the natural energetics of the essential oils within it, creating a powerful combination that is more potent than the sum of its parts. Please read Energies Of Essential Oils for more information.
The Everything Must Flow Essential Oil Blend emulates how the natural world operates on an energetic basis, when all things are synchronous and in sympathy, albeit in a microcosmic way. This fundamentally means that this aromatherapy oil blend is formulated to reflect the true nature of energy, and our real relationship with it.
All energies must flow to be in a healthy state, and any energies that are stalled, thwarted or stagnant, are unhealthy.
Some energetic frequencies are healthy for living things. Some are not.
The world naturally creates healthy frequencies, such as the Schumann resonant field, but it also produces things like Radon, which is harmful to our health.
The EMF Aromatherapy Oil Blend is helpful with native and non-native electromagnetic fields.
Simply put, this EMF Essential Oil Blend will help protect us from natural energies that are harmful. It will also protect us against synthetic, man-made energies, that are harmful.
Many Blessings upon your EMF/Everything Must Flow Blend. It is so timely with very important energetic ingredients.
Nicky Violet, Medical Herbalist
EMF Essential Oil Blend & Healthy Natural Energies
This EMF Essential Oil Blend works in consort with helpful natural energies, and helps to minimise the deleterious effects of harmful energies, in the world.
An example of healthy natural energies is Schumann resonance.
The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the very low frequency portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum.
Research indicates that Schumann resonance helps regulate blood pressure and heart rate, among other things. It is also believed to have a positive effect on our mood and emotions, thereby calming, cooling and promoting improved regulatory function of all bodily systems.
When we are in a relaxed state, our systemic health benefits tremendously. Our digestion, immunity and energy levels and focus, are optimised. Hormonal health is often restored during long periods of emotional calm.
We also benefit from cosmic energies. The rays from the sun are profoundly important for our health, for example. And, so is the fundamental need for allowing these energies to ground out via our connection with the earth.
Disturbances in our connection to the earth, and the frequencies this disconnection forces to build up in our bodies, along with the cosmic energies that we are exposed to, daily, are thus, deeply harmful to our overall health when they have nowhere to go. Even primordial life-giving energies, vital for all life to exist, become dangerous when they build up, having failed to find an outlet..
Nevertheless, nothing is more dangerous than the man made frequencies which we are now bathed in, endlessly.
EMF Essential Oil Blend & Wireless Technologies
Wireless technologies emit non-native frequencies that are interfering with our biology in a detrimental way. There is a welter of research, produced by many of the pre-eminent scientists in the radio frequency and wireless tech field, that suggests these non-native wireless energies are having a catastrophic effect on our health.
They state that many of our modern diseases, that were unheard of prior to the large-scale adoption of domestic and commercial electrical supplies, and the advent of wireless tech, are in large part a consequence of these developments.
For example, all autoimmune conditions are implicated.
This EMF Essential Oil Blend works in a number of different ways to transmute the harms of wireless technologies:
- Antioxidant activity reduces oxidative stress and boosts immunity.
- Some of the oils in EMF Essential Oil Blend are known to directly protect against radio frequencies.
- The anti-inflammatory action of some of the oils in EMF Essential Oil Blend help to inhibit the inflammatory impacts of non-native electromagnetic fields.
- At least one of the essential oils in EMF Essential Oil Blend has been shown to protect us at a DNA level.
- Several of the aromatherapy oils have been shown to support healthy emotional states by eliminating stress, and improving anxiety and depression.
Energies Of Essential Oils
Aromatherapy oils work energetically as well as physically and chemically.
There’s a lot of well studied science around plant defences. The distilled version of these protective plant adaptations can be found in each and every essential oil bottle.
When aromatherapy oils are blended together, they also interact energetically, supercharging the benefits of the combined oils. A blended essential oil, in combination with other aromatherapy oils, is therefore, more potent energetically.
This may not be true for the physical and chemical properties, however. Sometimes the use of a single essential oil is better than a blended aromatherapy oil product, especially when dealing with physical ailments, such as infections, etc…
EMF Essential Oil Blend Ingredients
The aromatherapy oils in the EMF Essential Oil Blend are as follows:
- Holy Basil Essential Oil
- Organic Rosemary Essential Oil
- Organic Sweet Orange Essential Oil
- Elemi Essential Oil
- Organic Cypress Essential Oil
EMF Essential Oil Blend Aroma
The blend of essential oils in EMF Essential Oil Blend is aromatically gorgeous. As the preferred way of using this oil is by diffusing it, this is important.
Thankfully, you are very unlikely to have any complaints from family members when diffusing this oil blend. The only complaints will likely be when you run out!
EMF Essential Oil Blend Ingredients In Sharp Focus
This section contains a brief description of the benefits of each of the aromatherapy oils in the EMF Essential Oil Blend.
Holy Basil Essential Oil
Holy Basil Essential Oil is an exceptional aromatherapy oil. It is one of the most comprehensively beneficial essential oils available.
It is an adaptogenic essentil oil, which means that it has the power to help restore all bodily functions back to normal.
Like Elemi Essential Oil it is profoundly protective from an energetic standpoint.
It would be deeply beneficial to follow the linkto the Holy Basil Essential Oil page, (above), to read about this aromatherapy oil in more detail.
Organic Rosemary Essential Oil
Rosemary Essential Oil is another exceptional aromatherapy oil in terms of how comprehensively it supports human health. As with Holy Basil Essential Oil, it would be very beneficial to follow the link above to read about this aromatherapy oil in more detail.
However, the way in which Organic Rosemary Essential Oil contributes to this blend can be outlined thus:
Rosemary Essential Oil protects us at a DNA level. It has also been shown to directly protect against radio-frequencies.
Rosemary Essential Oil is brilliant for de-stressing us and supporting emotional health. It is also antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
Organic Sweet Orange Essential Oil
Organic Sweet Orange Essential Oil is profoundly antioxidant, and it has also been clinically proven to support emotional health. It is, therefore, excellent for mitigating stress on every level.
It is: antidepressant + anti-inflammatory + antimicrobial (thereby supporting immunity) + antioxidant + anxiolytic, (anti-anxiety) + a digestive tonic, (again providing support for our immunity).
Elemi Essential Oil
Elemi Essential Oil is the essential oil that is thought to brigge the abyss between heaven and earth. It is fabelled for its ability to energetically epitomise the concept of “as above, so below”.
It is a profoundly appeasing oil on all levels. It is also very anti-inflammatory, grounding and contexturalising.
Elemi Essential Oil affords us the benefit of long-term vision so that we may forget to fixate on the minutia, and focus more on our spiritual development in the context of everlasting life.
The more we commit to personal growth the more integrity we develop. Inner intergrity is one of the best forms of defence against pathogens and undermining elements within our world.
When we have integrity, terrain theory can really come into its own.
Elemi Essential Oil has been shown to be: anti-inflammatory + antimicrobial (thereby supporting immunity) + regulator + stimulant + stomachic (supports digestive health) + tonic.
Organic Cypress Essential Oil
Organic Cypress Essential Oil is energetically purifying and profoundly supports our level of endurance on all leveles.
The botanical name for the Cypress tree is Cupressus sempervirens. In Greek the word sempervirens means ‘lives forever’.
Cypress Essential Oil posseses neuroprotective capabilities. It is also antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and supports immune resilliance.
Other Things We Can Do
Aside from spending as much time in nature, as far away from as much of the world’s electro-smog as possible, especially on the beach, practicing grounding, and bathing in the sun’s rays, we can wear Shungite Pendants, and practice good EMF hygiene at home, by switching off any EMF emitting or receiving device whenever not in use.
For example, we can turn routers off during meal times, and whilst we sleep, etc.
Another great way to avoid EMF from “smart” technologies, is to not invest in them in the first place. We don’t need smart fridges, washing machines and toasters! Buy the cheaper models that aren’t fitted with the smart technologies.
Hi-tech devices are not just interfering with our health at a fundamental level, they are often also being used, by third parties, for nefarious activities. This is because they are much easier to hack than a computer, but are still synched up with the grid, thereby able to process stolen data etc.
All of the smart criminals, [excuse the pun], are online, these days. Our lack of deep-level technological skills means that we are most vulnerable to attack in the digital space.
Cyber criminals are exploiting this vulnerability, and will continue to do so whilst it’s akin to shooting fish in a barrel.
So, to be safe, where technologies are concerned, is to know more than the average crook online. And, when we have achieved that, we will also know that the best way to protect ourselves is to avoid exposing ourselves to the risks in the first place.
Wild As The Wind Essential Oil Blends
Wild As The Wind Essential Oil Blends are made using premium quality, therapeutic grade aromatherapy oils.
Professional therapists use Wild As The Wind Essential Oils, including Osteopaths and Massage Therapists.
Wild As The Wind Essential Oil Blends are also used domestically, for home remedies as well as in green cleaning products etc.
Wild As The Wind Essential Oil Blends Are Suitable For:
- Diffusing & nebulising
- Diluting to make body & bath oils (1% dilution)
- Using in your household first aid kit (average 2% dilution)
- Adding to your shampoos, conditioners & liquid soaps (5 drops per 100ml)
- Diluting to make face oils (2% dilution)
- Formulating effective household cleaners & sanitisers (average 5% dilution)
Please consult How To Use Essential Oils for more information on how to use aromatherapy oils, and how to blend them.
However, not all essential oils are suitable for all applications. For this reason, you must read the specific safety advice, including cautions and contraindications, for the specific essential oils you intend to use.
Wild As The Wind Customer Ratings:
Etsy: 5 stars Facebook: 5 stars Google: 4.9 stars
Availability Of Wild As The Wind Essential Oil Blends
Wild As The Wind Essential Oil Blends are available in the UK.
Wild As The Wind Customer Guarantees
Wild As The Wind essential oils are cruelty-free & vegan friendly. They are also some of the purest, most bio-active essential oils in the world.
Suzy Foakes –
This is a beautiful oil to diffuse with the added peace of mind of negating some of the EMF bombardment we are exposed to.
I am also going to make it into a pulse point roller so I can wear it to work. Delighted with the quality and the information supporting this blend.
Rachel Wild –
Thanks Suzy. x x x Really glad you’re finding it so beneficial, and that you are enjoying its aromatic qualities. Yes, a roller ball bottle of EMF Essential Oil Blend, in a suitable carrier oil, is the most ideal way of using it when out and about. Also, placing a kitchen roll square in a jam jar, and adding about 5 drops of undiluted EMF Essential Oil Blend to it, is perhaps one of the best ways of working therapeutically with Essential Oil Blends. This allows you to sit and breathe directly from the jar, for a minute or so, whilst breathing slowly and deeply, delivering therapeutic amounts of essential oil directly to the limbic region of the brain, from where it will disperse to the rest of the body, where needed. Closing the lid tightly will allow you to use the same five drops of essential oils for about five days, afterwhich it will need changing. (Air exposure causes oxidation, so the lid must be air tight.)
Nicky Violet –
Many Blessings upon your EMF/Everything Must Flow Blend. It is so timely with very important energetic ingredients. Holy Basil/Tulsi is a sacred, protective and purifying plant, revered and honoured by many folk. In days of old Basil was strewn onto floors because it was said that where Basil is no ‘evil’ can enter. Other than the many medicinal properties, fresh Holy Basil leaves are added to salads and cold foods, though not used in cooking (I suspect this might remove their energetic vibration). Brilliant to see the addition of Cypress Essential Oil. A tree of such protective, healing and comforting value and energy that has been calling to me this year and so plan to plant a small one directly in line with what we call the ‘the dark tower’ a few fields away. Shine on dear Rachel and may your creations reach many X