Fennel (Sweet) Essential Oil
Sweet Fennel Essential Oil is best known for supporting digestive health, and for assisting with weight loss. But this versatile oil is thought to possess many other benefits. It is not, however, without its contraindications, so please ensure you read the safety advice before purchasing.
Sweet Fennel Essential Oil Aroma
Made from fennel seeds, this aromatherapy oil smells very similar to the spice. As the name suggests, it is sweet, with a predominant aniseed quality, which is softened with rich, warm, and slightly peppery tones.
Fennel Sweet Essential Oil Health Benefits
Fennel Sweet Essential Oil health benefits are thought to include: Analgesic + anti-inflammatory + antimicrobial + antioxidant + antiseptic + antispasmodic + apéritif + carminative (reduces gastric bloating & flatulence) + circulatory + decongestant + depurative (purifying & detoxifying the blood) + diuretic, + emmenagogue (increases menstrual flow) + expectorant + galactagogue (increases lactation) + mucolytic + splenic + stomachic + vulnerary (wound healing) + warming
Fennel (Sweet) Essential Oil Traditional Health Benefits
As well as many digestive benefits, Sweet Fennel Essential Oil has also been traditionally used for menstrual issues and skin health.
Certain traditional medical traditions hold that Sweet Fennel Essential Oil can help balance fluid retention and can help to curb appetite, and increase metabolism.
It was extremely popular in Chinese, Egyptian and Roman cultures for supporting longevity, courage and strength.
Several cultures believed Sweet Fennel was capable of warding off evil spirits.
The Celts regarded Fennel as a sacred plant, and used it for the Druidic purification ceremony.
Even ancient Olympians used it for its stimulating properties, allowing them to gain strength but not weight.
In India, Ayurvedic research claims that:
Foeniculum vulgare [Sweet Fennel] is officially noted in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia as an important part of polyherbal formulations in the treatment of different diseases and disorders. A number of biological-pharmacological studies have been undertaken to evaluate the indigenous uses of F. vulgare. Few extracts of F. vulgare and isolated compounds have been evaluated for several activities, namely, antiaging, antiallergic, anticolitic, antihirsutism, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral, antimutagenic, antinociceptive, antipyretic, antispasmodic, antistress, antithrombotic, anxiolytic, apoptotic, cardiovascular, chemomodulatory action, cytoprotection and antitumor, cytotoxicity, diuretic, estrogenic properties, expectorant, galactogenic, gastrointestinal effect, hepatoprotective, human liver cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitory, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, memory-enhancing property, nootropic, and oculohypotensive activities…1
Sweet Fennel Essential Oil traditional health benefits are thought to include:
- Digestive disorders: Spasms & cramps + Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) + flatulence + constipation
- Digestive stimulant + digestive tonic
- Nausea
- Circulatory stimulant
- Lymphatic decongestant
- Detoxification
- Fluid Retention
- Spleen support
- Menstrual Problems: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS + menstrual cramps
- Hormone regulation
- Fertility
- Endometriosis
- Menopausal Symptoms: Thought to be **Oestrogenic
- Cellulite
- Urinary health
- Heavy Legs
- Respiratory Conditions: Bronchitis + Asthma + colds + coughing + flu + catarrh
- Parasitic Infection
- Nervous system support
- Anxiety & depression
- Emotional support
- Pain relief
- Skin health
- Autoimmune conditions: Arthritis + rheumatism + psoriasis + acne etc
- Muscular Fatigue
Sweet Fennel Essential Oil For Skin Health
Sweet Fennel Essential Oil is thought to help support dermal heath in the following ways:
- Reducing oiliness
- Enlivening dull skin
- Brightening mature skin
- Detoxifying the skin
- Strengthening + protecting + re-energising skin
- Rejuvenating
- Reducing puffiness + under eye-bags
- Calming irritated skin
- Reducing inflammation: Rosacea + Eczema + Psoriasis
- Toning: minimising pores + evening out imperfections
- Strengthening + protecting skin (antioxidant)
Cautions & Contraindications
Due to the trans-Anethole content of Sweet Fennel Essential Oil it requires careful use.
Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young state that Sweet Fennel Essential Oil may do the following:
- Interact with medication
- Inhibit blood clotting
- Cause skin sensitisation if oxidised.(Proper storage will prevent oxidation.)
Contraindicated for:
- Pregnant women and nursing mothers
- Those with endometriosis
- Those with a family history, or suffer from Oestrogen-dependent cancers
- Not suitable for children under 5.
- Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young advise a dermal maximum of 2.5%.
Sweet Fennel Essential Oil should not be used if it is oxidised, (exposed to excessive sunlight and air).
Wild As The Wind Sweet Fennel Essential Oil
Wild As The Wind Sweet Fennel Essential Oil is a premium quality aromatherapy oil, suitable for therapeutic purposes.
- INCI: Foeniculum vulgare
- Plant Family: Apiaceae
- Parts Used: Seeds
- Method of Extraction: Steam distilled
- Perfumery Note: Middle
- Chemical Family: Ethers
- Appearance: Very pale yellow or clear, thin consistency
- Origin: France
- Shelf Life: 5 Years
- Aromatic Description: Rich, warm, clean, aniseed aroma, with sweet, spicy and slightly peppery tones
- Production: 2 – 6 ml of Sweet Fennel Essential Oil from 1kg of plant materials
Wild As The Wind Essential Oils
Wild As The Wind Essential Oils are premium quality, therapeutic grade aromatherapy oils.
Professional therapists use Wild As The Wind Essential Oils, including Osteopaths and Massage Therapists.
Wild As The Wind Essential Oils are also used domestically, for home remedies as well as in green cleaning products etc.
Wild As The Wind Essential Oils Are Suitable For:
- Diffusing & nebulising
- Diluting to make body & bath oils (1% dilution)
- Using in your household first aid kit (average 2% dilution)
- Adding to your shampoos, conditioners & liquid soaps (5 drops per 100ml)
- Diluting to make face oils (2% dilution)
- Formulating effective household cleaners & sanitisers (average 5% dilution)
Please consult How To Use Essential Oils for more information on how to use aromatherapy oils, and how to blend them.
However, not all essential oils are suitable for all applications. For this reason, you must read the specific safety advice, including cautions and contraindications, for the specific essential oils you intend to use.
Wild As The Wind Customer Ratings:
Etsy: 5 stars Facebook: 5 stars Google: 4.9 stars
Wild As The Wind Essential Oil Availability
Wild As The Wind Essential Oils are available in the UK.
Wild As The Wind Customer Guarantees
Wild As The Wind essential oils are cruelty-free & vegan friendly. They are also some of the purest, most bio-active essential oils in the world.
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