100% Natural Facial Oils

Natural facial oils are where it all began for me. They were my epiphany!
I wanted to get away from all of the caking agents, yucky emulsifiers and the countless synthetic preservatives, which extend the shelf life of commercially produced moisturisers… even the expensive organic ones…
Plus, I wanted to use truly anti-ageing, organic ingredients in an affordable way. Let’s face it, the commercially available, chemically augmented, synthesised products, which line our pharmacy, and natural health shop shelves, are anything but cheap! Especially when you consider that they are anywhere between 75% and 95% tap water!
The Body Reacts To Unnatural Ingredients
I was also keenly committed to avoiding putting anything on my skin that would elicit an immune response.
Synthetic ingredients are not good for any of us. They are increasingly causing allergies, inflammation and pain. They also contribute to the development of autoimmune disease, and all manner of other chronic conditions.
The impetus was simple. I was growing increasingly aware, (or should I say, less and less able to forget), our skin is our largest organ, which is just as good at absorbing toxicity as it is at flushing it out.
It takes about 26 seconds for our skin to absorb c. 60% of what it comes into contact with. This is then relayed to our bloodstream. So, we don’t have long before toxic substances on our skin make their way inside our bodies, instantly embarking on a journey all the way round our vascular system.
For this reason, a deadly venomous snake bite will likely be fatal if the antidote isn’t delivered within a matter of minutes!
Another interesting fact, about the way the body processes topically applied substances, is that essential oils are already being excreted out of our body, via our urine, within two hours of topical application.
Now do you see why I started being a lot more aware of what I was willing to put on my skin…?
Many Skin Conditions Are Autoimmune
Did you know that many skin conditions are inflammatory? And that they are a result of elevated immune response?
Autoimmune skin conditions include:
- Acne
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Contact dermatitis
- Dermatitis
- Rosacea
Sadly, the above list is only the tip of the iceberg.
This means that what we apply to our skin on a daily basis may very well be compromising our immune system at a profound level. This, in turn, leaves us vulnerable to contracting other serious conditions.
It also means that we will have disrupted hormone function, which is the precursor to emotional health issues.
Organic Essential Oils
So, I realised that the health benefits of creating a beautiful blend of pure natural organic essential oils, along with incredibly healing carrier oils, were turbocharged by simply leaving all of the ‘bad stuff’ out!
This was a real revelation.
It meant that, aside from the amazingly beneficial actions of the pure natural, organic essential oils, I was already healthier because I wasn’t directly exposing my skin to a slew of toxins from a mass-produced, synthetic product!
Mind blowing!
Organic Essential Oils Versus Synthetic Chemicals
Essential oil quality is of paramount importance.
If a company is genuinely using organic essential oils in their products, then you know they care! Organic essential oils are expensive, and because they vary from harvest to harvest, and even from batch to batch, there’s more work and cost involved in using them.
Synthetic isolates are nothing if not consistent!
They are like your interminably predictable friend who will never surprise you, thrill you or enthral you, in any way, shape or form. Instead, they will turn up on time, order the same meal, complain about the same things and then leave, right on cue, and suggest you do the same thing with them again next week, as they haven’t got the imagination not to.
These friends may look conventionally attractive. Slim, well made-up, and wearing this season’s colour.
But, where’s the spark? Where is their imagination? What differentiates them from everyone else? What makes them who they are?
Synthetic Versus Alive!
It’s the people who look alive who attract us. It is the ones being true to their nature who look fabulous. Those who reveal their uniqueness are the ones that really shine.
Synthetically consistent ingredients have a homogenising effect, so we can fit in with the crowd.
Essential oils are imprinted with life. They are uniquely vibrant.
Synthetic substances are inert. They have always been dead.
Organic essential oils will respond to who we are, our environment, and to the passage of time, and, when we apply them, they will make us uniquely outstanding. They will enhance what we already are and ever can be.
They will tempt us, alluringly, to be our best selves.
Learn more about essential oil quality.
Essential Oils & Energy Healing
This is because we are energetic beings as well as flesh and blood. And, it’s because essential oils work on an energetic level as well as on the physical.
Essential oils mirror all of our aliveness… and our aliveness uses all of the benefits essential oils have to offer.
Synthetic substances are two-dimensional… Essential oils are multidimensional!
Organic Essential Oils Have Energy
Perhaps the biggest difference between organic essential oils and synthetic ingredients is, organic essential oils have a unique energy signature, which is as individual as your DNA.
It has been scientifically proven that illness oscillates energetically at below 50 MHz. Bulgarian Rose Otto Essential Oil oscillates at many degrees of magnitude above this.
The vibration of Rose Otto Essential Oil is the highest of all essential oils.
The higher our vibration, the more healthy we are.
The word ‘health’ is an ancient one. It is Anglo Saxon. It directly translates to the word ‘whole’.
All organic essential oils have differing energetic frequencies, which mean that organic essential oils exert different energetic benefits.
The higher our vibration, the more healthy we are.
Vibrational Medicine
Vibrational medicine is the medicine of the future. We have already developed many different technological devices capable of delivering frequency healing. There will be great advances in these technologies in years to come.
In the meantime, we can call on the energy medicines from nature, to heal us at a profound level.
Natural, energetically charged, substances, like essential oils, can address trauma, stress and all manner of other emotional issues. These are ultimately the precursors to disease.
Bach Flower Remedies
Wild As The Wind now stocks the Bach Flower Remedy range, alongside our 200+ essential oils.
These Bach Flower Remedies are made in the traditional way, as determined by Dr. Edward Bach. They are painstakingly produced, in small batches, by Healing Herbs in Herefordshire.
Sadly, the more broadly available remedies, which carry the Bach name, are made industrially, and are very weak energetically, by comparison.
Organic Essential Oils & Emotional Health
Our emotional health has a major impact on the state of our overall health… So, our emotional diet is as important as our nutritional diet. Toxic food will age us and make our skin less healthy, and so will a poor emotional diet.
The organic essential oils in the Wild As The Wind Organic Facial Oils have been selected to provide optimal emotional and hormonal support.
Wild As The Wind Natural Facial Oils
Wild As The Wind natural facial oils are made with the best quality, highly energetically-charged, organic essential oils possible.
Facial Oil No. 2 was the first Wild As The Wind face oil to be launched. It still remains the most popular Wild As The Wind product in the natural skincare range.
Facial Oil No. 8 followed about eighteen months later. It was quickly embraced, and has many devoted users.
I am endlessly delighted by the diversity of benefits mentioned in the growing number of facial oil reviews left on the individual product pages for these face oils.
Hand Blended Face Oils
Wild As The Wind natural face oils are all hand blended. This allows the intention of the maker to be infused within the energetics of the oil blend.
It’s a bit like what happens when ecclesiastical folk bless holy water… they project their intention into the water.
Many people report feeling emotionally uplifted and calmer after using the Wild As The Wind facial oils. This is due to the energetic support offered by the oils themselves… but, it may have a little to do with my intention in making them.
My intention is to come at life from a loving perspective.
My intention is love.
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