Would You Like To Work With Wild As The Wind?
Are you interested in becoming part of what we do at Wild As The Wind Natural Skincare & Essential Oils?
And what is that exactly?
As the name suggests, Wild As The Wind Natural Skincare & Essential Oils are most well known for our natural skincare range, particularly our highly lauded Facial Oil No. 2 and Facial Oil No. 8, and, of course, our extensive range of therapeutic grade UK essential oils.
However, Wild As The Wind also stock a broad selection of beautifying and detoxifying clays alongside a good number of other detoxification products.
Emotional health is key to what we do at Wild As The Wind. Essential oils are exceptionally beneficial for emotional health, of course, but we also carry the full range of Bach Flower Essences by Healing Herbs.
Please visit the Shop By Category section of the website to view the full product range.
Wild As The Wind also produce cutting edge natural health information, which is shared via the mailing list, and in person at markets and events.
Wild As The Wind Ethos
Wild As The Wind is the only female owned and operated UK essential oil and natural skincare business.
In excess of 95% of Wild As The Wind customers are female.
Wild As The Wind is dedicated to redressing the balance within the natural skincare and essential oils UK market.
Ideal candidates will be…
- Looking for well paid part-time work
- Outgoing and personable, with a good sense of humour
- Mature & responsible, with your own car
- Digitally savvy
- Passionate about health and well-being
- Knowledgable about essential oils (not essential, if willing to learn)
- Knowledgable about natural medicine (not essential, if willing to learn)
- Love people, and passionate about sharing knowledge
The Roles Available At Wild As The Wind Will Suit The Following People
Those looking for:
- a secondary, weekend income
- part-time weekday and weekend work
- deeply fulfilling work that gives back what you put in
- a chance to really make a difference
Does Working For Wild As The Wind Appeal To You?
If you can see yourself working for a business like Wild As The Wind, why don’t you get in touch?
Please send us an email explaining why you’d like to work with us.
Opportunities Available
Wild As The Wind is expanding into new geographic locations.
These include:
- Dorchester
- Frome
- Wells
- Glastonbury
- Exeter
We need people to represent Wild As The Wind at markets and events in these locations.
Necessary Attributes
There are many desirable qualities and achievements for the type of work on offer. There are also a number of prerequisite requirements for the roles.
This means that everything on the following list is a requirement for being able to fulfil the roles available.
(If you don’t have these, please do not apply.)
You need to be:
- Actively looking for part-time work.
- Knowledgable about, or care about, health and well-being.
- 18 years or above.
- Willing to learn about essential oils and natural skincare
- Have your own car and a clean driving licence.
- Willing to approach people to invite them to try Wild As The Wind products.
- Available to start work from 8.00am until 4.00pm.
- Willing to travel within a 30-mile radius for work.
- Willing to work outside, undercover, some of the time.
- Self-employed, but with plenty of support.
If you are excited about the idea of working with Wild As The Wind, then please contact us via email explaining why you’d like to be considered for a role with us.
Hi I would love to be a part of this.
I met Rachel Saturday. With my husband and little boy Bertie button (he will be memorable ????) in bridport.
I currently live in Suffolk so not sure this will aceptable for working? But we do plan to move to Dorset in the near future.
Hi Katherine,
It was lovely to meet you and your lovely family. x x x I would love you to get involved. Wild As The Wind has quite a few customers in Suffolk. x x x I will email you with some ideas. x x x