Does this image look familiar? If so, you probably visited this Wild As the Wind Shop to provide feedback during the trial period. If so, thank you so much. If not, then a warm welcome to you now. This is what the home page looks like! And, in this article I’Il tell you the behind the scenes drama which coincided with the launch, and the profound appreciation I feel towards you all… Thank you x x x

I declare the Wild As The Wind Shop officially open!
After months of hard work, and a fair amount of frustration, the Wild As The Wind Shop has finally taken shape and is ready for it’s grand opening!
There’s been a lot of unexpected obstacles to overcome, and there have been revised priorities during this challenging time.
The Coronavirus UK lockdown has changed the way we do everything!
Because Wild As The Wind has continued to ship products to the UK and Europe, and there has been an increased demand for certain products, like Thieves Oil 2020 and Thieves Essential Oil 2020, as well as Organic Lavender Essential Oil, Organic Lemon Essential Oil, Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil and Organic Frankincense Serata Essential Oil etc, the absolute priority has been to keep pace with all of our lovely Wild As The Wind customers.
You are all part of the Wild As The Wind family, and you are very well loved and appreciated!
New Wild As The Wind Shop Is Open!
I still want you to find fault with it where you can. A fair amount of the initial issues have been fixed, but it’s still far from perfect!
I want you to eke out all the mistakes, and let me know about them! Your feedback is vital if the Wild As the Wind Shop is going to really be the best that it can be.
No information is bad information… it’s all just information… and information helps to improve things.
The only bad information is no information! So please wade on in and tell me what you think! x x x
Wild As the Wind Positive Feedback
And, of course, I would also appreciate knowing the positive thoughts you have about it… Like this…
It’s a triumph! Gorgeous website, easy to use and lovely to look through xx
Sonya, Wedmore, Somerset
This is great Rachel, looks fab and easier than the Etsy shop, I’m probably going to have to treat myself!!
Shauna, Whitchurch, Cheshire
My response to this was simple; “Yes, the main driver for creating it is because so many people have been finding Etsy difficult to use.”
Why The Wild As The Wind Shop Is Necessary
But, there’s another reason why I am so pleased people will be buying from the Wild As The Wind Shop and not Etsy in future…
I spoke out about Etsy refusing to remove a damaging review, written by a pernicious competitor who has been harassing me and threatening me since joining my mailing list a while back, and now Wild As the Wind has seemingly been de-listed on Etsy.
FACIAL OIL No. 2 is such a popular product on Etsy, because of you, my lovely faithful, loyal customers, it was always in the top eight results on Etsy for months.
Now it’s apparently nowhere to be seen.
Wild As The Wind & You Are the Real Contributors
Etsy has done nothing but profit from Wild As The Wind and your loyalty. Their commission is so high that I have been paying them on average £300 a month for a while now… even though all of the Wild As The Wind customers on Etsy are comprised of all the people who started life as a customer of Wild As The Wind in the real world or who are friends, sisters, mothers or daughters of devoted Wild As the Wind customers… So, all of the visitors to their platform have come through my own dedicated hard work… not theirs! The Etsy platform have not supplied customers to me.
So, they have sat and profited nicely whilst contributing very little to the equation, and the only time I have ever asked them to lift a finger to help me, they refused, despite The fact i provided evidence of the harassment I was receiving via other channels from the person who wrote the negative review.
The negative review has been in the top slot for fifteen days (at the time of posting this article), and prior to that there has been a statement from Etsy saying: “This seller has had multiple 5 star reviews in the last seven days.” This statement stayed at the top of the Wild As The Wind Shop for weeks on end…
It appears that one single malicious negative review has stopped all of the positivity dead in its tracks.
And, as for the competitor who wrote it… the whole thing has been inspired by a very serious case of sour grapes on their part… they have made zero sales on Etsy.
But do you know what…? We genuinely do reap what we sow in this world… Instead of wasting their time trying to drag Wild As the Wind down, perhaps they should be spending more time lifting themselves up?
Wild As the Wind Shop Prominence
It is only because I have spent years learning about the online space that I can attempt to provide online services. The first Wild As The Wind website was actually constructed by me!
And, it’s because I have spent a considerable amount of time learning to understand the deep workings of the internet that I could figure out the person who was harassing and threatening me via email actually owns an essential oil business herself. Plus, I was able to reverse engineer the malicious review on Etsy too, and, of course, I wasn’t in the least bit surprised to find the same person was responsible for that bit of nastiness also.
Luckily, I understand the online space well enough to know the person in question is likely attempting to create an online spat which she can leverage to her own advantage. Through working 16 hour days, seven days a week, for the last three years, Wild As The Wind is now finally featured pretty prominently in search engine results pages. (This is how this competitor has surely found Wild As the Wind?)
But, rather than dedicate herself in the same way she has opted to try and pick a fight which she hopes will go public so she can benefit from a reasonably high-profile spat, thus effectively attempting to take a massive shortcut to circumvent devoting three years of her life to good, honest hard graft.
I will never mention her, or her business name… ever!
Wild As The Wind Shop Transparency
I don’t like talking about these things, but I believe in transparency, so I’m okay with letting these kinds of situations out in the open.
I think it’s sad, but I don’t let it upset me for long. And, I never let it upset me personally. The only way in which this kind of thing bother’s me is that it wastes my time, which hinders my ability to do what I love to do, as well as I want to do it.
It steals time from me helping you!
In having complete control over my own shop, I can hopefully limit this kind of malicious interruption in future.
Wild As The Wind Shop & The Truth
The Wild As The Wind Shop is all about getting to the bottom of the truth! So, whilst negative reviews in the form of malicious lies obscure the truth, any negative feedback from a genuine source is very welcome indeed. This form of feedback directly informs what will be done in relation to the Wild As The Wind Shop.
There are many ways in which untruthful reviews are damaging to a business… they influence all sorts of decisions made.
But, conversely, it just goes to show how thoroughly helpful genuine negative feedback is also… So please, let me have it!
More Wild As The Wind Shop Feedback To Date
Hi Rachel, so excited by the new online shop. It looks great!
Louise, Wells, Somerset
Louise kindly pointed out a pricing error which would have resulted in Wild As The Wind losing quite a lot of money if it hadn’t been remedied straight away.
The new website is fab. And can I just say that it is so refreshing to have an expert who is so transparent in their sharing of information. I have spent a lot of money on trying to get well and I am still very much on the journey. How rare is it to get so much information for free? Thank you for everything that you do, Rachel.
Carol, Oldham, Lancashire
It’s amazing…. Really easy to use and great information.
Gail, Winscombe, Somerset
Wow, I’m blown away by Rachel’s website. I’ve suggested she write a book as it’s so informative and interesting. I’ve learned so much about the causes of bad skin and illnesses, and luckily she’s got the solutions. I love her products and 3 weeks in I’ve really noticed a difference. Natural, kind and healing products. Rachel’s emails and notes were also a loving touch. She’s passionate and knows her stuff. Can’t wait till lockdown is over, and I can come to your stall. Thank you Rachel, for your time.
Michelle, Bristol
This last comment actually refers to the information site, but I intend to make this one just as informative as the other, so thought I’d include the comment here to show you what you can expect about the quality on here.
Wild As The Wind Shop Future Improvements
Thanks to the following feedback, the Wild As The Wind Shop will soon show images of the actual products as well as the sketched images. This will be undertaken when I have access to the professional photographer who was going to photograph the products for the new website, when lockdown happened.
Hello Rachel, congratulations again on launching the online shop! It looks great, and it’s easy to navigate. The only thing I would like to point on are the images.
I personally think, with time there should be images of all the products how they look in reality, as new consumers likes to see what they are getting. This way the products are going to be more attractive to the eye, as well as easier to attract a new customer when sharing via social media etc. I am talking about the images of products that are sketched.
Kristina, Brentwood, Essex
Thanks Kristina! Very much appreciated feedback, and especially useful from the social media sharing side of things. I hadn’t thought of that!
More like this please x x x
Your new website is a total pleasure, & as a customer you’re made welcome right from the start when your first purchase arrives with a handwritten note…
I love everything I have tried so far.
And appreciate all the wealth of information provided..
It feels personal not just pressing a button to order an item
Well done you
Thanks so much Susan, your feedback is profoundly appreciated. I love that you are sequentially working through the Wild As the Wind products, trying them all out for yourself and reaching your own conclusions about them. Did you realise that to date you have bought Essential Oils, Nigella Sativa Oil, FACIAL OIL No. 2, Hormone Balancing Essential Oil Blend, Dead Sea Mud, Shungite Orb & Bath Salts. In fact, you have bought such a broad variety of Wild As The Wind Products that I’ve not had the time to add half of them to the new shop!
I’m really glad you are finding the new website easy to use as well. Thank you so much for letting me know.x x xx
There’s a customer reward programme, (my way of saying thank you) for everyone’s kindness towards Wild As The Wind… you can find out more about it here… (it is essentially a guaranteed discount, amongst other things… Customer Reward Scheme
Thanks again Susan,
Sending love,
Rachel x x x