Natural Remedy For Blood Pressure, Dehydration & Oedema
When we develop blood pressure, become dehydrated and show signs of swelling / oedema we are very likely not processing our water consumption properly.
Contrary to popular belief, one of the key factors for this is insufficient salt. But, it has to be the right kind of salt!
Sadly, many of us are consuming the wrong kind of salt. And, it’s this salt which contributes to high blood pressure, and other problems.
The variety of salt which contributes to high blood pressure is common table salt. Whilst some of us have already switched to using sea salt or Himalayan rock salt, as a healthier alternative, we can still be consuming common table salt if we eat processed food. In fact, if you eat convenience food of any kind, you are guaranteed to be eating common table salt.
The only safe quantity of table salt in our diet is none.
Reducing Blood Pressure, Dehydration & Oedema
In the brilliant video below we learn how to redress blood pressure probless, dehydration and oedema by using unbleached, untreated natural salt. This means we can gently and painlessly reduce our health conditions at very little cost.
However, other factors may be implicated, and may also need addressing. These include:
Other factors that can contribute to blood pressure:
- Poor sleep
- Being overweight
- Poor diet – not enough fruit and veg
- Insufficient exercise
- Excessive caffeine consumption
- Alcohol consumption
- Smoking
Other causes of dehydration:
- Diarrhoea
- Excessive sweating
- Vomiting
All of these additional causes of dehydration can be remedied by restoring electrolyte balance and drinking clean water… We restore electrolyte balance when we consume the right minerals in appropriate amounts.
One of the key reasons we suffer from mineral deficiency is due to poor digestive health. Shilajit is a natural, mineral rich compound that can help restore mineral balance and digestive health. Please read more here: Shilajit For Digestive Health.
Other causes of oedema:
- Pregnancy
- Being overweight
- Insufficient exercise / standing or sitting for long periods
- The side effect of some prescription medications
Restoring Healthy Salt Imbalance With Barbara O’Neill
This video is just over 48 minutes long, and is fascinating.
It will also likely change your life in a really good way! I hope you enjoy it.
Reducing Blood Pressure By Restoring Healthy Gut Flora
The gut flora which make up our microbiome have been shown to reduce blood pressure.
People who consumed probiotics had an average reduction in systolic blood pressure (the top number in a reading) of about 3.6 millimetres of mercury (mmHg) and an average reduction in diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) of about 2.4 mmHg, compared to those who did not consume probiotics. Probiotic benefits seemed greatest among people with elevated blood pressure (higher than 130/85), and probiotics with multiple types of bacteria lowered blood pressure more than those with a single type of bacteria.
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